August 27, 2018

Hello Deeptowners,

We’re live with part three of our Quality of Life changes for Deep Town. A few days ago we posted about game balance changes with the level up tech coin prices (http://rockbitegames.com/qol-changes-game-balance/) to let our users know about some of the game balance changes to expect with the updated game version (which is live NOW)!

Some other changes to check out in this latest version, include:
– New Chest Window
The chest window allows for users to see how many types of chests that they have making it easily manageable!

– Open select chests

Not only will you be able to see what type of chests you have, but you can decide what type of chests to open!

– Coin pack upgrades for appropriate coins per level
As a part of our game balance changes we realized that at times the coin packages that users can get in the shop are not level appropriate.