Wanna Become a Beta Tester?
Seeking Expert Beta-Testers! 🖤
✨Eager to leverage your extensive gaming knowledge and expertise?
🧠Got a knack for identifying glitches and eager to iron them out?
🧟Passionate about contributing to the game’s development and success?
👓Ready to invest your time in thorough testing and detailed feedback?
📱Own an Android device for your beta-testing battleground?
🙋Step forward and join our elite beta-tester team now! 📋✍️
⚠️Be mindful: this crucial role demands commitment to diligently test, report, and provide insightful feedback on gameplay, issues, and more. Assess your capacity and dedication before you step up. 👆
🧑🏭Nonetheless, your hard work won’t go unnoticed; exemplary beta testers who unearth the most bugs and provide detailed reports will receive an exclusive selection of in-game rewards!
📲If you’re up to the challenge, we welcome your application! 🫵